Planning and managing an Insights Discovery Full Circle experience

For advice setting up an Insights Discovery Full Circle experience, read How to create a new experience. Just make sure to select “Insights Discovery Full Circle” when selecting a type.

Experiences have a special dashboard featuring tasks and actions that vary by experience type. Their status changes depending on where you’re at in planning your event.  

For example, these are the actions available for an Insights Discovery Full Circle Experience: 

  • Contributor invites sent/Send invites – This tracks the number of contributors added who've been sent evaluator links to be completed for their associated learners. This is done in bulk from the dashboard, so you can see how sending invites affects the other actions. 
  • Contributor evaluators complete/Set reminder – This shows the total of evaluators sent to contributors that have been completed so far (bearing in mind that multiple evaluators can be sent to each contributor)

To learn more about setting evaluator reminders, read Setting evaluator reminders in experiences.

Once you’ve created a new experience, you’ll want to get started by selecting “Add learners & contributors”. Where learners and contributors have already been added to this experience type, you can add additional or manage existing learners by selecting “Manage learners & contributors”. 

How to add/manage learners

Any learners you add to this experience type must already have an existing Insights Discovery Personal Profile. The learner management area is intended as a queue of learners where the goal is to get all learners from Awaiting responses status to Profile generated status. It contains a form to add learners with a name and email field or a bulk upload option (see bulk uploading learners to experiences). Here’s a breakdown of the statuses in an Insights Discovery Full Circle experience: 

  1. Awaiting responses - New learners who either have no contributors or all their contributor's evaluators are still to be completed

  2. Ready to purchase - When some of a learner's contributors have completed evaluators, they move to this status and their profiles are now available to be bought via the Manage profiles section

  3. Profile generated - When a learner’s profile is purchased and generated, they are moved to this status and their profile is now available to download and share

Unlike other experience types, learners move through each status depending on their contributors completing evaluators. Learners in Insights Discovery Full Circle experiences don't need to do anything but attend a workshop and receive their profile.


How to add/manage contributors associated with learners

Once you've added a learner, you can add contributors to them. Contributors don't receive anything and are just expected to complete a unique evaluator with the associated learner in mind so their perception of the learner is included in their profile. The same contributor can be added to multiple learners. A maximum of 12 contributors can be added to each learner. Before your experience start date, you'll be trying to get as many of each learner's contributors from No evaluator link sent to Evaluator complete as possible. Here's an explanation of each contributor status:

  1. No evaluator link sent - This contributor has been added to a learner but hasn't been sent a link to complete an evaluator for them yet

  2. Evaluator link sent - The contributor has received their evaluator for this learner but hasn't submitted it yet

  3. Evaluator complete - The contributor has submitted their evaluator for this learner

An additional column on the contributors table shows if each contributor added also has an Insights Discovery Personal Profile in the organisation associated with the experience. This adds additional information to the learner's profile, showing the contributor's own self perception and more. If the contributor has selected gender neutral pronouns for their own Insights Discovery profile, this content may be removed if downloading/sharing the learner's Insights Discovery Full Circle profile in languages that don't support these pronouns.


How to bulk upload your learners

Read the How to bulk upload learners in experiences guide for advice on completing this function.


How to Manage profiles

This area has a variety of functions. For a breakdown of all the actions you can perform on this page, read purchasing, downloading and sharing profiles in experiences.