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Setting evaluator reminders in experiences

Once you've sent some invites in your experience (if your invites contain an evaluator link), you're able to set up an automated reminder to be sent on a set date to all learners who haven't yet completed their evaluators.

Here's how to do it:

  1. Select the "Set reminder" action on the "Completed evaluators" action on the experience dashboard (remember, this option's only available if you've already set invites

  2. A window will appear with an option to select a date - choose a date after your experience start date and before your set evaluator deadline

  3. Select "Set reminder"

The task box will update to show the date of the reminder you've set. You can then select "Change reminder" below to change the date of your set reminder.


New glossary of terms

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New glossary of terms

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce eu ante ac nisl dapibus auctor

New glossary of terms

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce eu ante ac nisl dapibus auctor