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Understanding and assigning chapters for Insights Discovery Personal Profiles

A breakdown of the chapters that are and can be assigned to learners who have or will be receiving profilesa brief overview of their contents, who they’re best for and how they can benefit your learners. 


How to understand and assign chapters for personal profiles

The Insights Discovery Personal Profile has 5 available chapters, 4 of which are optional extras that can be unlocked for a small additional unit spend.

These chapters can provide significant value to learners and give them more insight into various aspects of their work. None of the chapters are intended for different levels of experience or seniority, and each contains something of value for any employee. 

Here’s a summary of each chapter and their potential uses: 

Foundation Chapter

Every Insights Discovery Personal Profile begins with the Foundation Chapter. It gives people a general overview of their own personal style. It's the cornerstone of the profile, and must be included before you assign any other chapters.

The Foundation Chapter includes the sections:

  • Overview
  • Key strength and weaknesses
  • Value to the team
  • Communication
  • Possible blind spots
  • Opposite type
  • Suggestions for development


Management Chapter

At Insights, we believe that everyone is a leader in their own way. Whether you lead projects, teams or whole companies, it's how you lead, not what you lead, that really matters.

The Management Chapter helps leaders to understand the impact of their style on those they lead. We make it quickly applicable too, helping leaders to understand that leadership isn't a one-size-fits-all affair, it's one-size-fits-one.

The Management Chapter focuses on:

  • How people like to manage and be managed
  • How to motivate others and be motivated
  • Creating an ideal work environment


Effective Selling Chapter 

The Effective Selling Chapter helps salespeople understand how they can use their unique style to influence their customers, peers and managers, exceed their potential and form part of a truly exceptional sales team. This chapter is not only for salespeople but can be useful for anyone that needs to influence others or build strong relationships within their role. 

The Effective Selling Chapter focuses on:

  • Selling style of the individual
  • Before the sale begins
  • Identifying needs
  • Handling buying resistance
  • Gaining commitment
  • Follow up and follow through
  • Sales preference indicators


Personal Achievement Chapter

This chapter takes learning development and makes it personal. It focuses on purpose, potential and a lifelong journey of growth. This chapter helps people take a look into the future, inspiring them to define their purpose, set goals for growth and unleash their potential.

The Personal Achievement Chapter explores:

  • Living on purpose
  • Time and life management
  • Personal creativity
  • Lifelong learning
  • Learning styles


Interview Chapter

This chapter includes a list of questions that people can use to learn even more about themselves and others. The questions are designed to be stretching and difficult, raising levels of self-awareness and identifying areas of strength and areas for development.

When used in combination with the Foundation Chapter, the Interview Chapter provides an excellent aid for guiding coaching conversations. It's also a useful tool for teams to use to help them get to know and build relationships quickly.