New glossary of terms

While some things have changed, others have stayed the same. Most of these terms should be familiar to you, but we wanted to list them just in case, as they’re relevant to key functions.  

  • User - a practitioner or administrator who uses New Customer Platform to plan experiences, access learners, and generate profiles 
  • Learner - a person who has received a profile, migrated from the old system, or had a file created for them through an experience or Insights Evaluator link
  • Experience - a planned event or learning session, e.g. an Insights Discovery Workshop or a Self-Aware Leader Workshop
  • Evaluator link - the link learners use to complete an Insights Evaluator, can be sent manually and are included in invites sent from Experiences
  • Teams - a collection of learners grouped together, which enables actions like the ability to generate a team wheel  
  • Organisation - a container in which users, experiences, learners, teams, and evaluator links are collected, intended to be a legal entity within your organisation  
  • Groups – collections of 'Organisations’ that can be used to provide access to more data for specific users e.g. “Insights UK Ltd” and “Insights US LLC” could be placed in an “Insights” group where users in either organisation can be granted access to the group and everything in it 
  • Unit Wallet – this is where unit totals are displayed, either your personal on your My account page or other

    Please note:  People who have access to New Customer Platform who also have profiles have two separate records now, a learner in Learners & teams showing all their profiles and more AND a user in Organisations showing their unit wallet, spaces they can access on the system and more.