How to bulk upload your learners in experiences

  1. Access the learner management area of your experience, found through the Add/manage learners task on the experience dashboard 

  2. Above the form to add new learners, you’ll see an additional Bulk upload learners tab - select this tab to swap the form with some instructions and a file upload field 

  3. Create a new document in Excel 

  4. For each learner you’d like to upload, enter their full name in column A and their email address in column B in each row – so if you’re trying to add 10 learners, you should have 10 rows in your document, each with a full name and email address in the first two columns 

  5. Select File > Save As… 

  6. Change the “File Format” to a format with the extension “.csv” e.g., “CSV UTF-8 (Comma-delimited) (.csv)” 

  7. Save the file on your device as [your-filename].csv 

  8. Select “Choose file” on the file input back in the experience learner management area and select the file you just created from your device 

  9. You’ll be asked to confirm your upload by reviewing a list of all the learners we found in your document – if this is less than the number of rows in your spreadsheet, an email address may be incorrectly formatted, or a cell may be without content somewhere 

  10. Finish with the “Confirm bulk upload” button 

  11. All the learners we found in your document will be added, unless they don’t meet any specific experience type conditions e.g., don’t already have an Insights Discovery Personal Profile – if conditions like these exist, you’ll get a summary of which learners were added and which weren’t 

You can now navigate back to the dashboard to send them their invites.