Finding existing learners and teams and creating new teams


How to group learners into a new team and find teams that already exist, some of which may have been migrated from the old system. 

How to find learners

  1. Make sure the “Learners” tab is selected at the top of the “Learners & teams” section 

  2. Enter a learner’s name or email address in the search field 

  3. Select a learner’s name in the results to navigate to their learner detail page 

The learner detail page contains a summary of their information – which you can edit on their behalf by selecting the “Edit learner” button at the top of the page – a listing of their available profiles and lists of all the experiences and teams they’re associated with on the new system. 



How to create a new team, add learners to it and view a team wheel

  1. Make sure the “Teams” tab is selected at the top of the “Learners & teams” section 

  2. Select the “Create team” button to be navigated to a form page 

  3. Select the organisation you’re creating a team for 

  4. Give your team a name 

  5. Select whether your team should be private (only you can view and access) or public (everyone in your selected organisation can view and access) 

  6. Finish with the “Create team” button 

  7. You’ll then be taken to a newly created empty team 

  8. Select the “Add/remove learners” button 

  9. A modal window will appear, on the left column you can search for learners in your team’s organisation and add them to the empty team 

  10. You can then select the “Team wheel” button at the top of the page to view a team wheel displaying every added learner with a purchased profile 

If you want to remove learners from a team, you can select the same “Add/remove learners” button, this time using the right column to search for and remove learners already in the team. Everyone listed in the right column as added to the team will not appear in the left when you search – if you’re trying to add a specific learner and they don’t appear when you search, chances are they’re already in the team. 


How to find to find an existing team and view a team wheel

  1. Make sure the “Teams” tab is selected at the top of the “Learners & teams” section 

  2. Enter the team name in the search field 

  3. Select the team name in the results to navigate to the team detail page 

  4. You can then select the “Team wheel” button at the top of the page to view a team wheel displaying every added learner with a purchased profile 


Things to know

Searching for specific learners and teams of learners has never been easier. The “Learners & teams” section of the new Insights Online contains every learner you have access to, potentially migrated from the old system or created in new experiences and evaluator links.