Downloading and sharing profiles in learners & teams

Here's a quick reminder of the difference between downloading and sharing:

  • Downloading means you recieve a download link to zip file containing one or more generated PDFs, based on your selected learners and options.
  • Sharing means each learner with a profile receives an email with a download link to their personal PDF profile, their PDF profile as an attachment OR a link to their digital profile, based on profile format and your selected options.

We only allow you to bulk download or share latest profiles. Older profiles can be manually shared via learner detail pages.

Bulk download or share Insights Discovery profiles

You can bulk download or share learner's latest Insights Discovery Personal Profiles via teams:

  1. Select the learners in the team who's profiles you would like to download or share (or select all using the checkbox in the table head).
  2. Select the "Download/share latest IDPP" button that appears at the bottom of the screen alongside the total of learners selected.
  3. A modal will display with a summary of the total latest Insights Discovery profiles found in your learner selection e.g. if you selected 10 learners and only 8 of them have Insights Discovery purchased for them, you can only download/share those 8 profiles.
  4. Select whether you're downloading or sharing.
  5. Select your language option (defaults to learner's preferred language).
  6. If sharing, choose whether to send as a download link or a PDF attachment.
  7. Confirm your choice.
  8. You'll receive an email with either a download link to all the selected learners profiles or a summary of the share operation detailing how many profiles were shared successfully (we can't currently detect bounce backs, so this is more about whether something failed generating PDF documents or packaging them up, which is very uncommon).

On the team detail page, you can also quick download individual learner profiles by clicking the links in the "Latest profile" column for each learner.

Via learner detail pages, you can select the "Download" and "Share" options attached to each individual profile to share specific profiles with a single learner.