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Short-form, high-level explanations of Insights methodologies, products and other services.

Yes. The profile comes in 30 different languages. When you fill in the Insights Discovery evaluator ...

Learners can choose pronoun options for English profiles. We are currently working on developing ...

Yes! The team wheel is available in PowerPoint. You can also download each generated image in zip ...

There’s no hard limit, but too many learners on the same wheel position can start to look ‘off’. We ...

Learners can be uploaded in bulk using a CSV file. Column 1 must contain the learner's First and ...

Evaluator links expire when the experience ends. Each new experience requires a new evalutor link. ...

Yes, you can share profiles from the system either by directly emailing a PDF to a learner or group ...

Depending on their permissions, users can see the organisation they belong to and the ones they ...

Yes! Simply search for a learner by name or email in the “Learner & teams” section, and you can ...

Yes! Meeting links for experiences can be left blank until closer to the start date. Once you've ...

Learners can complete evaluators up until the experience end date (where applicable). The system ...

Yes, through the learners and teams section. Learn more.

It depends. Users in a Partner group must have permission to do so. Administrators of the system ...