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Last updated September 2024

As you may have heard, we're in the process of developing a new platform for our customers and partners. This isn't just a minor upgrade, but a significant evolution that will revolutionise the way we collectively manage learning experiences and profile output.

As Insights renews our focus on products and innovation, we've realised that our old system, while it served us well, has started to show its age. It has performance issues meaning it's slow to use and isn't up to speed with modern data protection legislation.

But here's the exciting part: our new platform isn't just about fixing these issues. It's about enabling innovation. It's about using our Insights IP and your learner data more creatively. And, it's also about meeting the requirements of our major customers by improving the data structure and hosting it on servers in the European Union.

We can't wait to see the positive impact this new platform will have for our customers!


Customers already love our new platform

"I think that is going to be a game changer. I love that you're automating some of the reminder stuff and I mean this just looks, it looks brilliant. I love it."

- Client Practitioner

“In summary, it looks great. I really like the look of it, I like the feel of it. It looks easy to use and straightforward. Everything seems to flow very well. Yeah, I don't have any negative feedback at all.”

- Client Practitioner

What are the benefits of moving to the New Customer Platform? 

The New Customer Platform offers a better, faster and more user-friendly experience for practitioners and administrators who need to plan learning experiences and deliver Insights profile products to learners.

  • A cleaner and easier to understand user interface allows practitioners to manage their data more easily and efficiently, as learners can now be added to multiple unique teams.
  • Task automation like setting evaluator reminders or bulk sharing profiles in learner's preferred languages speeds up the administration of profiles and teams.
  • Major accessibility improvements, especially to learner-facing areas like the evaluator including mobile scaling and better labelling and navigation for those using assistive technologies.
  • Real-time tracking of evaluator completions.
  • A dedicated area to search and browse learners and teams.
  • Options addressing major pain points like finding information and standardising product delivery, like the new experiences feature which adapts to the type of workshop you're delivering.
  • No more “dragging and dropping” makes data changes easier and helps practitioners avoid major errors.

New Customer Platform UI components

Insights Online vs. New Customer Platform feature comparison

Insights Online

  1. Last generation word pairings evaluator
  2. Team wheel graphic generation
  3. Learner search
  4. Evaluator links
  5. Insights Discovery
  6. Insights Discovery Transformational Leadership
  7. Insights Explore
  8. Insights Discovery Full Circle
  9. Folder structure
  10. Manual colour scores
  11. MyInsights

New Customer Platform

  1. New Next generation statements evaluator
  2. Team wheel graphic generation
  3. Learner search
  4. Evaluator links
  5. Insights Discovery
  6. Insights Discovery Transformational Leadership
  7. New Insights Explore with instant profile delivery and all 5 themes included as standard
  8. New Insights Discovery Full Circle with better contributor management
  9. New Improved data structure
  10. New End-to-end workshop planning for different Insights learning experiences
  11. New Gender neutral pronouns in profile output
  12. New Automated evaluator reminders
  13. New Automated data retention policies
  14. New Single sign-on

Language support

When it comes to evaluator completion and profile output, Insights Online and New Customer Platform support almost all of the same languages. The only exceptions are languages that are read right-to-left like Hebrew and Arabic, which are not currently supported by New Customer Platform but we plan to add support for these in the near future.


Reports for activity and purchases on New Customer Platform are equivalent to what's available for Insights Online. User transaction histories can be exported from the system itself and various data points – like learner totals, profiles generated and more – can be produced via our internal reporting tool.


The New Customer Platform has undergone rigorous security checks including penetration testing. Download the report from our Infosec team

What we're working on

This roadmap is evolving. Initiatives are prioritised using a desirability, feasibility, viability framework. This means scoring and ordering each initiative based on how much value they add for customers, how much work they will take to deliver and if they help us achieve our business goals. For what we've already released, check How to guides and Updates.

  1. October (Now)
    1. Retention - improved retention functionality where profiles will be deleted 5 years from ‘last touch’ (when the profile was last downloaded/shared and more).
    2. Expansion of admin portal languages
  2. Q3 24/25
    1. Multi-org team wheels for Group Manager users
  3. Q4 24/25
    1. Single sign-on
    2. Archive learner profiles
    3. Right-to-left languages - Arabic and Hebrew


Major differences between platforms

  • next-gen-evaluator

    Next generation evaluator

    Our new evaluator uses statements instead of word pairings, which helps learners around the world better contextualise their responses for more representative results. The new evaluator still produces the same Insights Discovery profile document. Learners can now complete this evaluator once to receive multiple types of profile, including Insights Explore, Insights Discovery, Insights Discovery Transformational Leadership and Insights Discovery Full Circle profiles.

    Download the new evaluator FAQs sheet

  • bulk-team-wheel-error

    High volume team wheel changes

    To maintain good performance of the platform and ensure team wheel graphics remain fit for purpose, we've had to make some options unavailable on high volume teams and team wheels (>150 learners). This means that you can't choose to display individual dots, instead defaulting to grouped count dots per applicable wheel position. This ensures team wheels aren't too populated to be meaningfully understood.

    You also can't download names tables for teams this large. We're currently exploring alternatives to exporting large lists of learners and their colour energy scores in more efficient ways.

    While we understand that team wheels are sometimes used as a form of reporting, like to show activity over a certain period, we want to make sure the graphics produced by the platform are always in a fit state to be understood by learners in workshops. 

  • gender-neutral-pronouns-option

    Gender neutral pronouns option

    To avoid excessive use of names, we must ask learners for a pronoun we can use to refer to them in the profile content. The option to choose gender neutral pronouns is more inclusive and a requirement to be compliant with modern discrimination legislation in many of the regions we operate in.

  • amazon-example

    New and improved data structure

    Please note: image is an illustrative example of how organisations and groups are intended to be used. Setup will vary depending on client requirements.

    Instead of an informal folder structure managed and constantly updated by every user, the New Customer Platform uses containers we call Organisations and Groups. This was changed to help us create a better representation of your business in the real world. 

    For users, this means no more chance of accidentally dragging and dropping learners into the wrong folders and less for them to manage in general. Client and Licensed practitioners frequently cite “drag and drop” as the single biggest issue with Insights Online.